New Product Post

Before we get to the good stuff this week, I want you to briefly look ahead to the CAN-Bus Shield which will be released next week.

The CAN-Bus Shield is a vehicle bus, specifically designed to work in automotive applications but is also showing up in medical equipment and industrial automation.  My colleagues are working on a very cool project utilizing this product to create an OBD system for your car.  Take a look at the picture below and stay tuned for the demo which will be available soon.

First up is the One Wire Temperature Sensor, a 2m long sensor with an immersible waterproof probe at the tip, perfect for temperature readings.  Normally these sensors consist of three wires, but we’ve engineered this into a one wire wonder to remove the resistance requirements and make it Grove compatible.

We all enjoy air conditioning on a hot day, and so do our electronic components.  We have two new reliable, compact heat sink devices, the Peltier Plate – 20mm*20mm and the Peltier Plate – 25mm*25mm which are great for providing heat relief to your  LEDs, chips, motors, etc.  These plates don’t use cooling liquid to decrease temperature.  They simply transfer heat based on electrical consumption.  They are perfect for applications that require a noise free and vibration free environment.  Change the direction of the electricity, and you can use it as a heating device.

Ever imagined your Arduino might sprout wings?  Well get ready because it is now possible with the Screw Shield, an extender for your Arduino or Arduino variants that converts digital pins and/or analog pins to screw terminals.  You can choose to extend one side or the other or both, and they don’t get in the way of your jumpers, LEDs, or buttons.  Plus, they’re stackable.

That’s all for now.  Until next time, keep on making.

(written by Erin Linke)

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August 2012