Haptic InterFace 2012

Haptic InterFace 2012 provides an opportunity for designers, artists, scientist, developers and creative thinkers from different fields to come and create something new and unexpected. Haptic InterFace includes two parts, the Haptic InterFace Workshop (from November 10th to 20th) and the paralleled exhibition the Haptic InterFace Exhibition (from November 19th to 20th.)

The Haptic InterFace Workshop will be held in the Wearables Lab, an innovative trans-disciplinary laboratory at the Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University. Ms Tricia Flanagan, who currently runs the Wearables Lab, came to Seeed Studio with the Research Assistant Katia Vega last month.

Katia mentioned that she came to Shenzhen in April for Shenzhen Mini Maker Faire, and she was quite impressed. While preparing for the Haptic Interface, something crossed her mind that Seeed might have some products that can improve their designs to make them blink, shine and something like that. So she told Tricia about Seeed and they decided to come to Seeed studio in person.

While they were here in Seeed, my colleagues gave them detailed information of the products (Seeeduino, Grove-Base Shield, etc.)they need, and told them the differences among similar products, as well as recommended products for them according to their demands, such as Seeeduino Film, Seeeduino Frame, Piezo Vibration Sensor, ProtoSnap-LilyPad Development Board, Grove-80cm Infrared Proximity Sensor,etc. which are light and neat, perfect for wearable electronic designs.

During communication with Tricia and Katia, we got to know about the Haptic InterFace. We knew that the Haptic InterFace is a great way to combine design with technology, to inspire creativities and collaborations of different fields. Since Seeed is an Open Source Hardware Facilitation company, we decided to sponsor the Haptic InterFace with our products, in the hope to see more and more technological elements in different fields (design, fashion, arts, health…) and see greater changes brought by technology in our life.

Are you the same as us, excited about the coming of the Haptic InterFace? If it’s convenient for you, don’t forget to come in person for the gala this November in Hong Kong!

About Author


August 2012