New Product Post

It was a really fun weekend at Maker Faire Bay Area 2012 in San Mateo, California.  Lots of folks came out to show off their mad Maker skills, to watch the Tesla Coils in action, to have fun with the family, and/or to participate in Angry Battleships.  The weather was perfect and the weekend was topped off with that amazing annular eclipse.

Unfortunately some of us didn’t get to go, like my colleague DD.  However, she didn’t let that stop her from embracing the Maker spirit.  She created this fabulous model ablove using wooden sticks, super light clay, EL wire, and a Grove starter kit for the electronic parts, illustrating that Making is about projects that come from the heart and bring a smile to our face.

If you want to add a little light to your project like DD, we have EL wire, EL tape, and our new EL panel.  EL tape is similar to EL wire but wider and a little shorter.  Just like EL wire, it comes in Red, Green, Blue, White and Yellow.  Although, it is possible to run the EL tape using an EL 2xAA Pocket Inverter it’s best to use an EL USB Inverter for a stronger glow.

If you want to go for a bigger effect, buy an EL panel or two.  They come in a 10 cm square format, and they are just as flexible as their counterparts.  An added bonus is that they come in light blue if you want to deviate from the standard color choices.   Keep in mind that you’ll want to pair them with an EL USB Inverter to maximize your brightness.

We have added a new item to our Grove family, the Grove – LED bar.  The LED bar is made up of a 10 segment LED gauge bar and an MY9221 LED controlling chip.  It is a great fit for output results that require a gradient representation, such as temperature or volume.  Each segment can be controlled individually by code or utilize our demo code to get you on your feet.

If you’re traveling to Europe you can’t leave home without our Universal AC European Power Adapter.  Its multiuse face allows you to adapt all plug types to the European format.  It’s small, lightweight and easily fits in your briefcase, purse, or even your pocket.

Ever wanted to create your own digital display?  Now you can with our 7 Segment Display digital building blocks.  Create words, numbers, or unique patterns in 3 inch, 5 inch, or 8 inch form factors with a warm red glow.  This product is sold in units and comes with 3 horizontal segments and 4 vertical segments, enough to assemble the number 8.  Buy more to create messages, the time, or your own special creation.

Last but not least we have our   CUI32Stem Grove Dash Kit.  This kit is the brainchild of CUI32Stem designers Daniel Overholt and Markus Gritsch who wanted to provide a convenient and affordable bundle to maximize the learning experience.  It comes with a Create USB Interface based mainboard and an array of Grove sensors.

That’s all for now.  Until next time, keep on making.

(written by Erin Linke)

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May 2012