New Product Post

From the street vendors at Clarke Quay in Singapore to designs on Bravo’s Project Runway TV series, EL Wire is everywhere.  EL wire, also known as, electroluminescent wire, is a thin copper wire coated with phosphor and covered with a protective sheath which glows when an alternating current is applied to it.  It is fabulous in many applications like emergency lighting, clothing, decoration, signs, etc.

The key difference between this and rope lighting is it’s bendable, thin, lightweight, and consumes very little electricity.  The flexibility makes it great for contorting the wire into any conceivable shape or pattern.    It comes with a male connector, so it’s plug-n-play.  You may need to practice with your soldering iron if you get really creative and splice the wire for more elaborate productions.  It will be worth it, as we’ve picked out the best and brightest EL wires available in our custom 3 meter length.  Plus, Instructables has a great tutorial on soldering EL wire if you get stuck.

Don’t forget your EL Wire 2xAA Pocket Inverter.  You will need this to power your EL Wire design.  It is small, portable (key for clothing applications), and only requires two AA batteries.  It powers 1 to 5 meters of wire, so it’s a perfect fit for our 3 meter EL wire product; plus, it lasts up to 10 hours.  You can modify the light output with the touch of a button to have continuous light, blinking light, fast blinking light, or on or off mode.

It’s never too early to plan for Halloween.  Now is the time to start planning that Tron costume or any other application that you can dream of.

That’s it.  Until next time, keep on making.

(written by Erin Linke)

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March 2012