Meet Mr.Tree

Mr. Tree, a thousand year old ancient tree, standing in the famous halls of SeeedStudio and waiting that the times go by.

Actually Mr. Tree started years ago as a robotic project. One of the ancient gods took this tree, put it on a round platform, attached 3 wheels and 2 motors to it and decided that every one who joins SeeedStudio has to add some new thing to Mr. Tree to let him grow and grow, making him smarter, faster and better then anything man-made ever before.

But when I arrived at SeeedStudio three weeks ago Mr. Tree was not more than a flower pot, standing somewhere in the dark and collecting dust.
The plan of the ancient god worked at the beginning. Peoples from far far away were coming to see the big tree, bringing him oblations and and extending him with microcontrollers, servo motors and sensors.

But not long after then the tree fell into oblivion and no one was bringing new extensions to him. Instead through the ages most of the extensions, boards and sensors were removed again because someone needed it somewhere else.

So the tree was standing there, with one wheel broken – not able to move, with no microcontroller – not able to think, and no sensor – not able to see.

But because a lot of people came to me and asked me “Hey, there is this Mr. Tree standing here around and collecting only dust, maybe we could make something new and breathe new life into him?” I decided to do it and fulfill the plan of the gods.

So this is where the project started. To see what happens to him now? Please click his website: Mr.Tree.

(written by Lech Murawski)

About Author


February 2012