New Product Post

The last day of 2011, and the eve of 2012, people in my communities keep talking about their bucket lists continuously and continuously. You are pushing my back to hurry up, right? OK, OK, then a big New Product Post seems necessary now.

First, let’s check some gadgets that might smooth your working:

On the left is 38-In-1 Interchangeable precise manual tool set JK-6088. Kits always come with some specific screwdrivers or wrenches to help you assemble the kits. However, sometime after you finish the kits, tools like those usually can’t be found anymore. That’s the moment you really realize the convenience  a whole package tool can bring to you.

In the middle we have Sealed Membrane 3×4 button pad with sticker. We have once sold a similar one, and found a slimmer version. Does this one match your need?

And the right is Solder Assist Kit. It consists of knife, fork, reamer, magnifying glass(5 times)and some other things like that. It’s designed to improve your precision and efficiency of soldering.

Wow, next coming up are a series of solenoids. We have received some letters asking us to prepare some solenoids. Then by a shopping of local electronic market, we have found a number of solenoids in different specs.

Solenoid is a kind of transducer device that can convert energy into linear motion. Some people use it to create vending machine, protection circuit, music sets and so on. At the left upper corner is DC framework miniature solenoid VL-0063, 14.8V. The one beneath it is DC framework solenoid HCNE1-0416, a 24V DC One-way self-holding solenoid. At the left down corner is DC One-way self-holding solenoid HCNE1-B1031D, 24V and recommended by our engineers. At the right down corner shows DC framework solenoid HCNE1-0520. With 12V low voltage requirement, it’s more suitable for small or handy projects. Another 24V solenoid is DC framework solenoid HCNE1-0630 at the upper right scorner. Above are all kinds of solenoids we presented last week. Looking for something that move forth and back? Try them out~

Next coming is one new member in our grove family–Dust Sensor. Discussions about air quality get hotter and hotter these days. PM2.5 and PM10 appear almost every 3 days on newspaper. Compared to traditional dust sensor, this one has a more accurate output and higher sensitivity.

And finally, welcome another expansion of Gadgeteer! This time what are added is LED7R module, USB client SP module, Music module, CAN DW module, Bluetooth module, Motor Driver L298, and Xbee module.

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December 2011