Failed Payment? Why?

How to avoid failed payment? This is the topic we are going to discuss with you now. Lately a customer sent us a letter describing difficulties he met when tried to make a payment. That’s a annoying problem. So we think it necessary for us to explain the reason and give you some tips about successful payment. So here comes the story:

“Twice tonight I tried to place an order and pay with a credit card. However, both times my payment failed…… I made absolutely sure the second time to enter the CC information correctly…….So I can only conclude that your CC payment processing company cannot properly process payments at this point in time. Please let me know when the issue is resolved so that I can place my order.”

We are sorry for the error. And actually this is not a personal case. Many oversea Credit Card users reply this error. With fast inflation of international business, the risk of illegal uses of Credit Card is also speeding up on the rise.

Although banks are trying to “control the risk” all the time. But lately we still have gone through some suffering trade issues with a few Malaysia “customers”. They paid their bills with fake cards, which are produced by using stolen information from the real ones, and took advantage of us to wash their money. If related banks can recognize the problem from the very first time, maybe it won’t be that suffering for us. Unfortunately, banks found out those economic crimes way after goods’ arrivals. And the result is that we successfully sent our goods there but banks rejected to pay the deals. To avoid such things, some oversea credit cards that banks “believe” risky got frozen recently, and the release date is not clear yet.

This is not an individual case, we think, because a number of similar cases have erupted in that region at the same time. So we made a decision to pause our credit card support service for Malaysia, Singapore and other Southeast Asia countries. Please be understanding. We are making effort to solve the problem. So, for now, we suggest if you want your projects urgently, use paypal not your credit card to pay the deal. That would be much more smooth.

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1 thought on "Failed Payment? Why?"

  1. Can you please register your site/payment page as a secure site?
    I’m from India and my bank provided me mastercard logo card that comes with securecode.
    When at any secure shopping site, I enter my card details and CVC then page redirects to my bank’s website where I have to put securecode for authorizing. As per my bank this service is for protecting cards from unauthorized uses. Even if someone steals my card he will not be able to use it online.
    This definitely is a good service.

    But as a consequence all the sites that don’t have mastercard securecode verified, there my card details aren’t accepted. All such payment gateways reply that the card was declined by the issuing bank.

    Please register/verify your webstore through mastercard, so that it can be treated as secure site and then I can pay.

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November 2011