7400 Logic Competition by Dangerous Prototypes


The Open 7400 Logic Competition host by Dangerous Prototypes folks combines the open hardware with the software, boosting the usage of modern integrated circuits. It’s now still available for the entries, due by 21st October. Don’t miss the opportunity to join this awesome contest!


Prizes are interesting and massive, including cash and open-hardware products from various sponsors. Of course, Seeed Studio is fully supporting this contest as always.


It’s fairly easy to join this contest as they are:


Entries can be posted on in our forum, on your personal blog, or even a handy how-to site like Instructables. When you’re ready, please submit a link to your project via the contact form.

Judging criteria and categories

Entries will be judged for:

  • Originality. A smart new design that inspires
  • Documentation. Schematics, theory, pictures and/or video
  • (Mis)use of 7400 logic. Show us what 7400 logic was (never) meant to do
  • Technical prowess
  • Build quality
  • Imagination and creativity


  1. Any electronic circuit can be entered, but judges will favor designs where discrete logic chips are a major component. All discrete logic families are acceptable, including 7400, 4000, etc.
  2. Original entries will score you the most points. Please don’t copy existing designs from the internet.
  3. Submit as many projects as you want, but please submit each separately.
  4. Good documentation is a must. Use a video, pictures, schematics, etc to document the project and show it in action.
  5. Project files must be released under an open source license. Closed source software or hardware is allowed, but the design of the logic portion should be fully disclosed and redistributable.
  6. We want to show off your project, and other websites will too. You agree to allow any part of your submission to be republished here and at other media outlets.
  7. All rules, categories and decisions are subject to change at any time. We’ll do our best to let you know about any changes and why they were made.
  8. Entries must be received by October 21, 2011, 6AM GMT. Winners will be announced on this webpage by November 1, 2011.


For more info here.

About Author


October 2011