New – Customize your Grove Kit



Grove is an open source plug-and-play system, designed to minimize the difficulty of fundamental electronic engineering. It includes functional modules – Twig, and the interface board – Stem. They can work very well with major existing development platform, such as Arduino and Seeeduino.


The whole Grove family has around 50 components, including 39 different Twigs and various types of cable and connectors. You definitely can make something cool within this simply plug-and-play system. However, it may be confused and costly for you to find some twigs you need among such a huge catalog. Also, you may want to pick up the components you like and generate a unique Grove Kit that exactly for your project. That’s why we launch this service and return the option to you to build up the Grove Kits on your command. Customize your Grove Kit is a convenient way for you to build up your own Grove kit at even lower prices.


Order step

Choose a package


As shown, the packages start from $39.00 to $59.00. Each package includes the same base component of a Grove project that you need to start with, and different amount of credits that you can exchange for twigs you like.


Exchange credits for twigs


In the lower-right corner, there’s a box displays the remaining credits you got right now and the twigs you already chose.


Different twigs count for different credits from 0.5 to 15 depending on its function and cost. We put them all here in the form of small icons with its required credits. By modifying the number in the column next to the required credits, you can exchange fixed amount credits for a twig.


For example, you put “2” in the column of Twig – Variable Color LED, and then you got 2 Twigs – Variable Color LED and available credits automatically decreased by 2 because each twig count for 1 credit in this case.




Add to cart

You can exchange credits for whatever combination of twigs you like as long as you have enough credits available. When you finish picking up those twigs (within credit allowance), you just simply click the “ADD TO CART” button and then check out as usual.



The remaining credits are NOT refundable. So just exchange all of them for twigs!

About Author


August 2011