New Product Post

Hello again loyal SEEED blog readers. We just have one product this week, but there’s a big family behind this single member. Yes, it belongs to the Grove series. Up to date, the whole Grove family has 42 components, including 35 different twigs and sort of cables and connectors. You definitely can make something cool within this simply plug-and-play system. Also, you’re still able to contribute to improving the Grove series by voting here.



Ok, let’s back to this week’s new product. Twig – I2C Motor Driver uses an Atmel ATmega8L chip that communicates the I2C with microcontrollers such as Seeeduino and Arduino. It’s basically a dual channel H-bridge driver chip that each channel can handle up to 2A current. It can drive two brushed DC motors simultaneously in different speed and direction, or one 4-wire two-phase stepper motor.


BTW, we’re going to launch a contest aims to collect documentary tutorials about our upcoming Grove Bundle. The winner may get a $200 coupon from us. You may like to get used to playing with those twigs from now on or have a review on your previous projects related to the Grove products so that to increase the possibility to get the prize. More details about this contest will be released later, stay tuned眨眼

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2 thoughts on “New Product Post

  1. I was looking for an I2C motor controller, and I eventually gave up and designed my own Arduino shield, and ordered the PCBs from it – from you – the very same day you came out with this!

    Oh well – it’s a good learning experience, and mine does do a couple of things yours doesn’t – notably, it provides two inputs per motor via screw terminals for limit switches or quadrature encoders, which the shield can be instructed to respond to natively, as well as signalling the host MCU. I also used the cheaper ATTiny2313, since the demands on the processor aren’t big.

    Nevertheless, yours is a lot more polished, and I would’ve got it in a heartbeat if I hadn’t already committed to building my own. 🙂

  2. Nick:

    May be that a good idea to set a reduced price during the contest or propose refund coupons (after sending tutorial) for those who will participate in contest.

    VA:F [1.9.6_1107]Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)

    thanks for the suggestion. it will be more than only reducing prices:)

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July 2011