Seeedstudio’s 3-Year Anniversary Happy Hour (We are ready!)

We already managed the stock for this special event to make sure you can have the stuff as soon as possible. We only discounted the prices, but keep the quality and service as best as we can do. Just have a glance of the prepared stock. I can’t put them all in the screen, there’re too many微笑





Yes, what you can see here is what you could expect during the upcoming Happy Hours. Totally, we have 28 different sorts of items, just want to make sure you can find something you like. Also, we are so glad to confirm that Ian and Dangerous Prototypes’ products will join into this party and have celebration to Seeedstudio’s birthday!


Are you ready? Just keep following us on Twitter ( to discover which products and when they are available!


A short notice,

The date of Happy Hour from July 6th to July 8th we mentioned are Chinese Time (UTC +8:00). But, we won’t let you stay until midnight to wait for the tweets, don’t worry微笑

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4 thoughts on “Seeedstudio’s 3-Year Anniversary Happy Hour (We are ready!)

  1. Happy Birthday! Today I have one too so I bought all I could and will be looking to play with it. If I had more money, I would easily spend double for the GPRS shield(s), batteries, card and what not but I don’t, so maybe next time. Thanks 🙂

  2. Nate River:

    Facebook is dead ! Let’s all use Google+ !
    UN:F [1.9.6_1107]Rating: -1 (from 1 vote)

    we eager to appear in your circle, but still not get the test account on google+

  3. José Xavier:

    Why didn’t you do the same in facebook? :s It’s possible to connect twitter to facebook so when you tweet something it will post in FB.
    UN:F [1.9.6_1107]Rating: +1 (from 1 vote)

    yes, we will try.

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July 2011