DSO Quad arrived at Seeed Studio

Seeed’ve received 300 sets of DSO Quad this afternoon! Next we are going to assemble all parts together, test and pack them.  All these things will spend about 3 more days,  so it is possible we can start ship them out on next monday!

Thanks again for your patience and understanding.

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26 thoughts on “DSO Quad arrived at Seeed Studio

  1. Yes, agree, a coupon would be acceptable.



    The coupon is acceptable, for me your word is sufficient, as you have always tried very hard to honor it, and been very fair when things outside of your control caused disappointments. Can’t wait to get mine.
    VA:F [1.9.6_1107]Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)

  2. The coupon is acceptable, for me your word is sufficient, as you have always tried very hard to honor it, and been very fair when things outside of your control caused disappointments. Can’t wait to get mine.

  3. For the delay, you may notice the PCB version is now 2.6, jumped from 1.0 over these 2 months. We are not sitting and delaying for random reason… Hope you guys provide your feedback if you found any bug in hardware or suggestions. Meanwhile, the software is still in its early age, we will release the source file as soon as finishes the comments, upgrades will be released frequently.


  4. http://www.minidso.com is our brother company serving Chinese market only, with different team in support.

    For the ebay vendors, they are not authorized channels, we could not provide support related to these sources.

  5. Thanks guys for waiting so long time… Maybe we should avoid putting pre-order for complex products like this, too many factors might go off track.

    For the probes, Mueller is down and not able to provide future supply… we have only prepared 2 Mueller analog probes from stock, and ordering more digital probes.

    We could surely provide 2 mcx digital probe, but need more time from 1 week to 10 days. Let’s ship the units first, how about you find a coupon inside, which you could use to purchase 2 spare digital probes later?

    Thanks again!

  6. Dom,
    That’s interesting. What got me interested in this product was an advertisement back in October or November for the DSO203, on the exact ebay store that has it advertised for sale now.

    NOTE: Even one of the FAQ’s (that I asked) is the same. But the ebay supplier is 199.00 e/w 2 probes, mine is 169.00 :-)) with 3 (or 4?)!

  7. Have you noticed that some chinese vendors on ebay (and minidso.com !?) have announced or start selling a new DSO which is nearly identical to the quad? Are they copying your design or it is being licensed from you (or is the minidso.com version the original) ???

  8. Fan:


    Great news.
    How many probes do you send along?
    UN:F [1.9.6_1107]

    Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)

    2 probes will be included in each package.
    VN:F [1.9.6_1107]Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)

    When I ordered it was :Accesories within Pack: 2 mueller mcx osilloscope probe, 1 mueller mcx digital probe,
    Why dont you put in another digital probe since it is a QUAD…..

  9. Why just 2 probes?
    What kind of probes? Two analog or two digital ch probe?

    Will the final versions only includes 2 analog and 2 digit probes?

  10. Knut:

    Great news.
    How many probes do you send along?

    UN:F [1.9.6_1107]
    Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)

    2 probes will be included in each package.

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March 2011