Here we just got the samples of GM tube from Chinese military factory. They are J306β and J408γ, which are much cheaper than LND-712. Next we will try to make some prototypes and do some tests based on it.
How I can buy the GM tube?
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Does anyone know how to build a geiger muller tube? I would like to know the actual process to build not a geiger muller counter but a geiger muller tube.
Any advice is appreciated!
these wont even register 236ur – it would take well over 3 days to get one count haha!
Sweet, I can’t wait.
The idea of building a people’s network of sensors is what intrigues me, the easiest way I see to that that is with a simple twig or similar Geiger counter that can be attached to a simple monitoring device. I would like to find a way to attach it to a arduino with an ethernet shield and in so doing make a cheap cost effective node for such a network.
I could do that with a couple rf bees and a couple Seeeduino Stalkers one with the ethernet shield, and one with the GM counter. Or I could use a blackwidow an a gm shield, but I would prefer a twig, so it could also be a weather station with more sensors.
I don’t worry that much about alpha, as it is easy to shield from, the higher energy types are what scares me.
You are not interested in the Alpha radiation? just in the Beta and Gamma?
Great ide with worldwide monitor system like weather stations. Then we know where to go on vacation.
This kind of GM tube has been out of stock, and the factory will not product that any more.
Does anyone know how to build a geiger muller tube? I would like to know the actual process to build not a geiger muller counter but a geiger muller tube.
Any advice is appreciated!
these wont even register 236ur – it would take well over 3 days to get one count haha!
Sweet, I can’t wait.
The idea of building a people’s network of sensors is what intrigues me, the easiest way I see to that that is with a simple twig or similar Geiger counter that can be attached to a simple monitoring device. I would like to find a way to attach it to a arduino with an ethernet shield and in so doing make a cheap cost effective node for such a network.
I could do that with a couple rf bees and a couple Seeeduino Stalkers one with the ethernet shield, and one with the GM counter. Or I could use a blackwidow an a gm shield, but I would prefer a twig, so it could also be a weather station with more sensors.
I don’t worry that much about alpha, as it is easy to shield from, the higher energy types are what scares me.
You are not interested in the Alpha radiation? just in the Beta and Gamma?
Great ide with worldwide monitor system like weather stations. Then we know where to go on vacation.
Seems cool, but it will be really a huge twig.
Do a cheap board to drive these as twigs and we can setup a worldwide monitoring system.
yeah, I want some of these too!!!
So will this be an in stock item once tested?