New products update from Seeed Studio

Say goodbye to Christmas, and say hello to the New Year 2011, Seeed Studio have never stopped efforts. During this period, we cooperated with some other firms like Dangerous Prototypes and have got several excellent new products for our customers.

  • Mama Shield

The Mama shield is a kind of “motherboard” that lets you connect multiple shields to an Arduino. It is designed for high-speed prototyping. You might be surprised to find it has so many applications. The most special feature is a PCB called the “Chinese throwing star”; you can see the details at Mama Shield will arrival in SEEED Bazaar later, please wait and see.

Here is one of the application examples:

A red ingenious PCB with 16pins, one GND and a chip, will works as an input buffer to receive data for Open Logic Sniffer logic analyzer. It supports live insertion and removal, and is popular with the ON Semi MC74LCX16245DTG Transceiver. Is it what you need?

This Bus Pirate programming adapter is an experimental design only for developers. It works without software support. Please visit the wiki page for more information.

Why there is an adapter needed for Bus Pirate LCD mode? Because we want to provide a more convenient breakout board for you. With this breakout board, users can control HD44780 LCDs. Each unit is tested before it leaves Seeedstudio, and every sale directly supports open source development of the Bus Pirate. Please be assured to buy.

Until recently, the only commercially viable wind harvesting device was the turbine. Humdinger’s Windbelt™ is the first non-incremental innovation beyond this century-old approach. Let’s cheers and congratulation for it!

The MMA7455L is an inexpensive 3-axis accelerometer ($2 in 1s), with adjustable measurement range of 2/4/8g. We used this chip in the USB POV Toy to sync the POV display to the speed of the user’s hand motions. It only comes in a leadless LGA-14 package. It’s a challenging chip to solder, so we thought an inexpensive breakout board might be useful.

How about create a logger that just powered up and worked? Yes, that’s why it is here. OpenLog is a simple serial logger based on the ATmega328 running at 16MHz. The ATmega328 should be able to talk to high capacity (larger than 2GB) SD cards. OpenLog ships with a standard serial bootloader so you can load new firmware with a simple serial connection.

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5 thoughts on “New products update from Seeed Studio

  1. Liao:

    Kevin Groce:

    Any updates on the USB POV toy? I have been drooling to get one @Kevin, i think the USB POV Toy is still under test. We are also looking forward to play with it.
    VA:F [1.9.6_1107]Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)

    VA:F [1.9.6_1107]Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)

    It works, but I’m a little jammed up on the firmware. It still needs some TLC 🙂

  2. Kevin Groce:

    Any updates on the USB POV toy? I have been drooling to get one @Kevin, i think the USB POV Toy is still under test. We are also looking forward to play with it. 🙂
    VA:F [1.9.6_1107]Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)

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December 2010