Is Garden good enough for beta?


Garden is an open information collection platform. Information of SEEED products and customer works will be hosted here, alive and ready for modification. Please feel free to improve the contents, contributions from registered account would receive our appreciations.
You may find following indexes to start with:

  • Product – A collection of product info pages, same categorization as in Bazaar. Includes datasheet, source files, application notes and related application info.
  • Service – Information on Seeed open hardware services, from ideas gauging to realistic manufacturing. Welcome to post your walk-through, hints and complains.
  • Guides – Complex tutorials, compatibility guides, comparison tables, reference solution packages and selection guides.
  • Projects – Community project gallery, watch how people solve real life problems, or post your own.
  • Freelancer – Post your name with experiences for people seeking consultancy. We will periodically list recognized members from cooperation.


Seeedstudio use MediaWiki to build Garden platform, freelancers can use both wiki sytax and FCKeditor. See help informations before you start to edit. Any questions you can check Garden FAQ, and each product has its own FAQ linked in the product page, the questions and answers about products can be found there.

The freelancer is worth mentioning here. You can edit the pages anonymously, but create an account and log in will let all people know you and let Garden record your contributions. We have divided all freelancers into four levels depend on your contributions on product informations and projects, click here to see the details.


Freelancer is the user who writes in Garden and has contributions for the knowledge architecture. Garden now open all the permissions for you to write and improve here, login is not the prerequisite, but if you log in with your own account, your contributions will go down in history.

Anonymous – Everybody can start editing without an account!

Registered users could have four titles:

Commoner – Fresh account by..

  • registration

Contributor – Recognized member who might get free samples, coupons or other merits by..

  • Improve existing pages
  • Create entries
  • Post your own projects
  • Visit regularly

Consultant – Promoted member candidates for paid consultancy by..

  • Frequently contributor
  • Add outstanding contents
  • Accomplished bounty documentation tasks

and a Hidden title which is now hidden.

Before moving forward, we would need your feedback and suggestions if we are doing things right. Please check it out at


About Author


December 2010