Why i got error message when paying with Credit Card?

Since we added Credit Card payment option to our store, those customers who had problem with PayPal finally can purchase from us. But few customers still received error message when using their Credit Card, and we even receive a mail from customer saying ‘ Your payment process is scary!’

We are very sorry for the confusion. But you know it’s not very easy for us to charge money from a oversea Credit Card in China, we need to find a agent company, and we found 99bill.com. This company can help us receiving money from a oversea Credit Card, but has some limit:

At first 99bill only allow us to receive 5000 RMB (750 USD) a day from our customers, or if your order total is over 325 USD, the payment will be rejected. This is the main reason which caused the error message. (Their system is not very user friendly , we are still working on this.)  Another reason is, 99bill only accept Master Card, VISA. Paying with other cards will also get a error message.

Now we’ve talked to 99bill and after paying them a lot more deposit, now we can receive about 1500 USD from Credit Card payment a day.

If you are going to pay with Credit Card, here’s some quick tips:

  • Your card has to be one of these : Master Card, VISA
  • You order-total should not be over 700 USD
  • Please enter correct billing address.

If you still got error message, please try place the order again next day.

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4 thoughts on “Why i got error message when paying with Credit Card?

  1. If you happened to go to lunch after finalizing your order, and then you fill out the 99bill form, you might receive a session time out notice from seeedstudio.com, but your order still went through! It may not have cleared out your shopping cart, but you still paid. So don’t try to order it again, you will be charged double and seeedstudio has a hard time giving refunds, so they’ll just give you a gift certificate.

  2. Be aware that when using 99bill, you are likely to get charged a foreign fee by your credit card company. In my case, I got charged about 2.5%. You might be better off using paypal.

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November 2010