DSO QUAD is forming, make a WISH?

Seeed Studio and Bure (aka Chai Xiaoguang, the designer of DSO Nano) never stopped improving our oscilloscopes. Now we can introduce you the new model, DSO QUAD.

Comparing to portable easy DSO Nano, QUAD is an intermediate version with more powerful performance and functionality. Target features as below:

  • A first prototype has been made earlier, defining basic structure and functionalities like below
  • 2 Analog channel, 20mV to 10V/div, h36Msps sampling rate, approximate 30Mhz bandwidth, AC/DC coupling.
  • 2 Digital channel, ext. trigger source. Simple AD measurement of 0-5V, DC coupling.
  • 1 Analog signal generator output 10hz~20kHz customizable waveform via DAC.
  • 1 Digital signal generator output 10hz~8MHz square wave.
  • Interface for Bee series/FILM and Electronic Brick Sensors.
  • Internal 2Mb USB storage
  • Designed for hacking, over-clocking, re-purposing, mutants
  • Open source platform with APP store (building)
  • Still compact, wearable(or not), rugged,

This is still an early review of the product, mass production still need at least 2-3 months, target price >150$, trimmed version might be available too. More project info and community comments will be collected on our WISH platform, please feel free to vote, comment or publish your ideas! Participation will be converted to credits on Seeed Depot.

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48 thoughts on “DSO QUAD is forming, make a WISH?

  1. I don’t understand the comments for 15v/div for automotive use. Right now 10v/div would be an 80v differential between the top and bottom of the screen( which unless your running an electric or hybrid car shouldn’t really see). Are you planning on measuring the back-voltage in a collapsing relay coil? Even a high end Tektronix Oscilloscope maxes out at 5v/div with 10 divisions. If anything the 20mv/div should be brought down to something around 5mv/div.

  2. Now that we have some good firmware (Bens 3.4) my only complaint about the nano is the crappy probes. As long as we have a connector that supports more standard probes, I’d be happy. I definitely want this, so hopefully you finish it up soon.

  3. Wow, this looks really great. Also great suggestions above. Specifically I like the ideas for a FFT, A+B inputs for differential inputs, a little higher freq for signal generator and multimeter functions.

    My only minor request which I didn’t see was somekind of persistence function. Where it overwrites samples like 10 signals and then overlays them having the brightness be determined how well they overlap.

    If you could figure out a way to make the probes connections spring loaded and automatically dock that would be really nice.

  4. I think the attack on the wrist is a nice idea, but the wires of the probe can be annoying.
    How about a separate input circuit that connects wirelessly with the instrument?

  5. At minimum Vpp would need to be 30v, why the decrease from the nano? Multimeter functions would be brilliant and make it a must have. Also would like to see different probe connector but accept the argument of why, not a big deal. At minimum make it at least 30v DC and release the thing already 🙂

    also, a NES emulator could be nice touch for the slow days at work.

  6. Is there a way to be notified when this product is available? At this price with these features, I would like to place an order!

    Ciao, Mathias

  7. If you guys add a screensaver that shows the time and date I will wear it with pride….. maybe with a high contrast format so the backlight can be really dim or off.

    Add bluetooth to it to connect it to a cellphone or computer and it’d be incredible. It could be used as a remote data logger by transmitting over bluetooth directly to the computer or to the cell which could shoot the measurements over the web.

  8. * A+B(invert) input for differential input measurements.

    * User serviceable battery is an absolute must for me. Otherwise no sale, at any price.

    * AA batteries or a commonly available LiPo that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. Use the LiPo battery used in the Chumby, they’re pretty easy to find, not too expensive, and most importantly – I already have a couple 😉

    * Some way to save and/or capture waveforms and raw data that can be plotted to PC. This is pretty important.

    * If you use an SD card, add a data logging mode.

    * RT Clock

    * Frequency counter.

    * Spectrum (FFT) display.

    * Movable cursors with voltage, time and frequency readouts.

    * I presume the generator operates simultaneously with the scope – right?

    * A good generator is important in a highly portable instrument. What’s the point of having a wrist mounted scope if you have to haul a bench-top generator around too.

    The analog generator should be capable of higher frequency. Why is it limited to only 20kHz? For example an 8-bit DDS at 20MIPs 24-bit shift register should provide around 100kHz of usable arbitrary waveform output via an R2R DAC without low pass filtering while still preserving sub-Hertz tuning.

    Surely this can do better! You’ve got an FPGA on-board. If not, toss an 8-bit AVR on the board at 20MHz and run that through an SMT 8-bit R2R DAC.

    * Freely available tool-chain. No point opening up the project if we have to pay $1500 for a tool-chain.

    * Flip out stand for bench-top use.

    * External power jack input is a must.

    * Hole (or two) for attaching a lanyard, so it can be hung above a work-space.

    * User controllable back-light, time-out, on/off.

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September 2010