See You in New York!

Bug Labs,  MakerFaire andlittleBits will be hosting in NYC on September 23 called the Open Hardware Summit, first dedicated conference for open source hardware. It will be a venue to present, promote and discuss the undergoing open source hardware movement, and we are very excited to sponsor and participate! A honor to hear the depth thoughts and share our different view angle!

I (Eric) and Icing Chang will be attending the summit and Make Faire, staying in New York for about one week. It will be our pleasure to meet you and NYC!

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3 thoughts on “See You in New York!

  1. nasukaren:

    I’ll be at the Maker Faire! I’ll look forward to seeing you there. Will you have a booth. Will you sell gadgets?
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    Drats, I tried to find you guys there but I didn’t see you. I guess you didn’t have your own booth, but were just wandering around?
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    Hi guys, this is our first time to be in Make Faire. We don’t have a booth this year. Eric and Icing just look around to enjoy the Faire. They may have s stop in HTINK’ s booth. If your guys pass by, don’t forget to get a free ‘Bendable Seeeduino Film Case’. We also have some featured products for you to play with there. Make is a fatastic party for us. A lot of cool stuffs and people gether . We will try to have our own booth to say Hi to your guys in near future. Trust us, we will. 🙂

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July 2010