The story of DSO nano

DSO Nano was first announced on 10th, Sep, 2009, the first 30 units was selling at 65 USD as beta version. To our surprise, it soon caught many people’s eyes and the first batch was sold out very quickly (In 24 hours).

Thus begin the story of DSO nano.
After the beta test, we soon started the manufacturing of 2nd batch. that was 100 units in my memory, and they were sold out again in 48 hours. Tons of people were writing us for the Availability date or Shipping date of DSO nano during that period.
later the first review was done by our customer Blare Thomson. (Thanks Blare!) also gave a link of this review.
From the comments we could see the two different kinds of opinion among our customers: DSO Nano is small, portable, but it is single channel design, and has a low sampling rate of 1Ms/S. Does it really worth 89 USD?
Well, that depends. Here’s some comments you might want to read:
“If the demand is there – from people like us – I’m sure the future will hold more devices in this form factor and price range with more features. If I could buy this today, I would ..”

–Commented by Jay Vaughan
“Single channel is fine for me as I typically only need one Chanel at a time, the portability factor is AWESOME, though the rate is a bit low… Even still I might pick one up as it will be useful for at least 75-80% of what I need to probe in the garage.”

—Commented by twistedsymphony
Of course there were negative comments:
“I would definitely recommend getting an analogue oscilloscope over this. A sampling rate of 1Ms/s roughly translates into a 100kHz bandwidth. This is
pretty low considering you can pick up a 20MHz analogue scope for the same price second hand.”

—-Commented by Pinbat
Both of above comments are very pervasive, and we hope to see more feedback from our customers, to help us improve the product, also help other people to know if this product suits them. On 3th Jan, 2010 we started another topic called: “How do you play with DSO nano?”  to gather ideas / reviews from our customers, we also give off 10 USD gift certificate as an encouragement. All they need to do is write a review and post it in their blog then send us the link.
In the next few weeks, we started to receive many customers’  feedback, I will post them out here:
Some customers didn’t have a BLOG so the directly send us their feedback:
  1. The DSO-NANO is very small and cut. The shape and feel is very pleasant.
  2. The power switch is too small, it is very hard to use. You have to use your finger nail instead of finger to turn it on or off.
  3. The earphone and microphone signs should not be there.
  4. The probes are very fragile and hard to use. There is no insulation on the probe which picked up lot of noise if the gain is too high
  5. The user manual is too brief. You have to figure out everything detail yourself, try by error. For example, it did not say anything about the battery and how to charge the battery. When I plug it with a USB, the only message was the “oscilloscope initiate…” I waited for more an hour, still the same message. When I unplugged the USB with a fear of losing firmware and realized it was fully charged. The manufacturer should spend more time to write the manual so that the users could spend less time to guess.
  6. 1 MHz bandwidth is too lower.
  7. If all of these above mentioned are modified, this DSO-NANO could be a very competitive product on the market.
Commented By XG

Some other interesting comments:

“I just got my DSO Nano scope today, and after showing it to everyone in the office who instantly groaned “oh no, what is this junk?!” and then replaced the sentiment with “whoa cool!! i want one”, I have to say this: I’ll have to get a few more of these!

I’ll be using it mostly to provide visual feedback in my analog modular synthesizer-building workshops, as its a very handy unit for testing modules and getting a real feel for whats going on with the interconnection between various complex modules. I’m also pretty sure its going to get some use with the Arduino PocketPiano synth project here and there, as well .. just generally anything in my workshop that will be producing audio is going to have some DSO Nano love .. “

—By Jay

“I showed it to my 7 year old nephew and he used it to measure the brain power of my friends by getting them to touch the probe and then viewing the 50Hz sine wave that appeared. The people who caused a larger amplitude sine wave apparently had more “brain power”.

Seriously, I love my DSO Nano and will be taking it everywhere I go. Looking forward to the release of the v2.0 source code.”

—By Andrew

“Outstanding product. Sleek, well put together and indispensible. I’m getting way too old to move around a 50 pound scope for projects. Already used with a couple of Arduino sketches and some breadboards. I’m using it to teach my son about the waveforms he produces when he plays on his midi keyboard (and to get him further into electronics). Plan to use with TDR (Time Domain Reflectometer) unit to certify and document cable plant installs. Didn’t even know about the MiniSD slot until I got the unit (it’s great when you get more than you expect!). One of the best gifts I’ve ever gotten for myself.”

It is really appreciated for your times on these lovely comments, and they will surely help us developing the next GEN of portable DSO.  And we hope you can keep posting your comment in this post, if there’s any words you would like to say.

In the end, thanks for all guys who get involved in this project.

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3 thoughts on “The story of DSO nano

  1. Only annoyance found in the first use was with the duty cycle. It flickers between the duty cycle percentage and the word “duty” to show you what you currently have selected.

    Otherwise a handy piece of equipment to run a few tests in the field with!

  2. 1Ms/s is no problem for me, but one channel restricts it a lot: you can’t compare input waveform to output waveform, or plot input vs. output on a curve …

    Two channels and my poor old Tektronix CRO will be gathering dust …

  3. Is this an open-source hardware project? If so, I’m sure that it will get modified until it meets everyone’s needs and I really think that would be a good thing. I, personally, use a low bandwidth usb DSO, and it works for most of the projects I work on with resolution down to 1ms/div. Note here that’s still less ability than the DS1052E that everyone is talking about, but I’m not finding that to be a big problem.

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July 2010