2nd Anniversary! Share your memory with Seeed Studio

Time Is Ticking Out! Seeed Studio now stepped to its second anniversary. Rewinding back from last celebration, we have been:

… started propaganda kit service for open source hardwarists,

… started electronic brick product line, which you see many brick spawned and keep spawning,

… held Rainbowduino Carnival which many inspiring creations are rallied,

… published DSO nano, surprised about the popularity and get very much proud,

… cooperated with Ian and Hackaday with bus pirate, turning such great must-have-but-not-easy-to-build tool into ready products,

… introducing Xbee compatible Wireless communication modules,

… introducing Seeeduino Stalker, RF bee, Rainbowduino and other “mutants”,

… moved to 3 times bigger office, decorate per freewill

… introduced more value adding products, concise catalog to focus on the most needed,

… invited more and more talented souls to our open source hardware force,

… recovered and recovering from product failure, quality issues, shipping errors, management crisis, by re-organizing, process optimization, and communication improvement.

Aside these grasped from blog and our logs,  I believe you guys have some memory with us. Would you like to share some piece with Seeed Studio and leave it physically on our wall?

It could be of any content between you and Seeed Studio, including but not limited to: project picture with Seeed Studio products, you and Seeed Studio parcels, Your work bench with DSO Nano, a birthday postcard to Seeed Studio… Post them on ‘Seeed studio’s flickr pool’ from now to 26th July and tag them ‘Seeed Studio’. In appreciation of your participation, we have prepared a 20.10$ DEPOT coupon for selected (we have a wall to limit the number…) photo.

Also, we are going to have a teambuilding in QingYuan on Jul 13th and 14th,spend some time together with fresh air, breeze, hiking, meditation, hot spring and drifting in the canyons. As an inconvenience result, all orders and emails from next Monday to Wednesday will be delayed for processing till 15th.

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10 thoughts on “2nd Anniversary! Share your memory with Seeed Studio

  1. would be nice if we could know a bit more about you guys personally. like some pics or videos to give seeed a face.

  2. Hey-

    Congrats on the anniversary!

    How will you be notifying people of the coupon? Just want to be sure I don’t miss it if I get lucky 😛


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July 2010