Must LCD pixel be square? How about a RGB Hexagonal Display?

Thank you guys for sharing your ideas in previous blog and forum topic! Aside from the functionality, Windell from Evil Mad Scientist Lab give us a jaw-breaking Hexagonal idea! I tried to illustrate the idea as below:

Actually it looks great when printed to 2-3cm diameter, which each pixel is about 1*1mm. Every details are uncertain, we might need in-depth consideration to come up the best most balanced way.

In the illustration, I tried to use 4 roll unit of ( 1+6+12+16), good for alphanumeric display or simple icon. If we use 3 roll unit of (1+6+12), it really save some space but some number like “B” will look wield. On the other hands, the controlling would be quite different from a normal graphic LCD.

How do you think? 🙂

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10 thoughts on “Must LCD pixel be square? How about a RGB Hexagonal Display?

  1. What about rotating the cells 30 degrees counter-clockwise so so you have straight vertical lines of pixels? That also yields straight horizontal lines of cells, which is probably often readable.

  2. I think this has possibilities, but be careful on the edges, printers do hyper accurate edges for a reason. The human eye does not like reading almost sharp letter edges. If you can’t be hyper straight don’t even try.

  3. I agree with Max — rotate it so there are vertical lines of pixels. This also allows your “character” cells to be in horizontal arrangements. I love the concept of this — I’ve fooled around with the idea of a radially-scanned CRT in the past, and this is similar.

  4. go back and look at how CRTs were put together. the guns in them were in a triangle, and shot at triads of phosphors. (at least the earlier ones did.)

  5. What about rotating the cells 30 degrees counter-clockwise so that you have straight vertical lines of pixels? That also yields straight horizontal lines of cells, which is probably more readable.

  6. Similar things actually do already exist (see, but mostly for the sake of (moving) photo-type images. Clean straight edges are a nightmare to lay out, and don’t look that good unless you overkill that with excess resolution. I’ve worked with LCD’s, and I’d stay miles away from “special” geometries. But hey, that’s just my 0.02$…

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July 2010