Seeeduino Film, maybe the first Arduino(TM) compatible board on FPC

It’s an interesting and hard process to discover the different ways of boards.

We tried to design an Arduino(TM) compatible board fits to smallest apertures. The goal is extremely small, slim, flexible while maintaining its nature of developing board.


Cut-able, Scrollable and Chain-able

Full functional Atmega168/328 breakout

USB-Serial interface

Built-in charger circuit

Default a complete Arduino compatible board, could be cut to fit needs

20pin bus passed across all blocks

Pros found:

light, slim, small, flexible as planned

Cons found:


Too slim to fit in the connectors

Might still be too much overhead

Next steps

It is far from mature, we will prepare a few prototypes for community inspiration. Please let us know how you might use them and the key factors you would care, we will select the comments and ship them in one week frame. Thanks!

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95 thoughts on “Seeeduino Film, maybe the first Arduino(TM) compatible board on FPC

  1. I’d be interested to try this board out in some pop-up book and interactive artist book applications. I’ve been working with the arduino for my book projects but its size and inflexibility can be major setbacks in the book’s design.

  2. For me I want to construct a logging camera, enviroment, and position device. Eventually I see a gps, micro sd card, temp/humidity, light, and jpeg camera. Something that can be worn on the arm/chest, that logs where and what I see, where I am and the conditions. Kinda of a human cat cam.

  3. Hello Seeed Studio’s people.

    This card is really incredible, just like you specify it, week after week I get a surprise of you, even I remember than in a blog to a person indicating if it was possible to make a Seeeduino flexible, that seemed an impossible thing but I was forgotten the existence of this material, I am greatly surprised, because I worked long time in welding of little components, and to weld pieces to the flexible it’s very complicated, for that reason, you can make it!!!.

    Respect of Where would it be used?, That doesnt have limit, at present I’m working with Wireless Sensor Network for my postgraduate thesis, and the applications only have limit in the mind, applications go from environmental monitoring, industrial monitoring, applications in the domotica, applications in health, at present in my group of study we are dedicated to application of WSN in industrial environments, in this type of environments we can use this type of Seeeduino Film due to its reduced size, besides maybe you have to consider a connector for a wireless device essentially ( in case WSN ), which would make it more powerful, already than in addition to processing capability the Seeeduino Film have also the capacity of communication in mode wirless, just like a Seeeduino Stalker.

    A lot of congratulations for the unceasing invention that you propose.

    Sergio Quiroga.

    1. 感谢

      Since it’s a long time we decided to stop Film series, we are now developing with Xadow, which is modular designed and based on standard interface to get extra ability.

      It’s small and solid, but no more flexible.

  4. This is a pretty awesome package!

    For some applications it would be nice to seal the board in something flexible and waterproof (sweatproof, rainproof, etc). You would apply a thick layer (less flexible) over components to provide strain relief on the pads where components are attached. You would then apply a thinner layer across the joints to maintain flexibility but prevent shorts. Later add on modules could mount directly against the skin for heartrate detection, temperature, stress, etc! Simple solar powered, weatherproof sensor networks, marine stufd, etc too.

  5. I’m excited to see this product since I have been interested in flexible boards now for some time, but never had the funds to actually get some made. I am interested in medical applications, from both a hobbyist and professional standpoint, and I hope this will be released soon. I will be using it with a medical sensing device that would fit inside of a hat; how uncomfortable would a regular circuit board be stuffed inside of a hat? The application can be from seizure monitoring to a BCI (Brain Computer Interface).

  6. mShield:

    How has nobody so far introduced the idea of EEG. I mean this is perfect (with some added sensor circuitry of course) for an EEG headband.
    VA:F [1.9.2_1090]Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)

    Look at my project:
    “My project of uniform of Plumber with headlight and body heating need this brain.” (#22 written by John Doe)

  7. How has nobody so far introduced the idea of EEG. I mean this is perfect (with some added sensor circuitry of course) for an EEG headband.

  8. I am constructing paper circuit. Paper circuit is circuit with paper which is programmable. My work is close to these works. In this process, we can make paper circuit easily with CraftRobo. CraftRobo is a paper cutting machine. We can cut thin paper with digital data. And,We can construct any circuit (not only arduino).

    you can see detail in my web site :

  9. taisuke oshima:

    I am constructing paper circuit. Paper circuit is circuit with paper which is programmable. My work is close to these works. In this process, we can make paper circuit easily with CraftRobo. CraftRobo is a paper cutting machine. We can cut thin paper with digital data. And,We can construct any circuit (not only arduino).
    VA:F [1.9.2_1090]Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)

    taisuke oshima:

    I am constructing paper circuit. Paper circuit is circuit with paper which is programmable. My work is close to these works. In this process, we can make paper circuit easily with CraftRobo. CraftRobo is a paper cutting machine. We can cut thin paper with digital data. And,We can construct any circuit (not only arduino).
    VA:F [1.9.2_1090]Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)

  10. My project of uniform of Plumber with headlight and body heating need this brain.

    P. S. I already have Seeeduino Mega.

  11. This is fantastic work! I have been wishing this kind of arduino would appear for quite a while. I need them to prototype some devices that need to have a spherical form factor. I would gladly pay for a dozen of these. Even just one, to build a working prototype at the correct scale, would be a big deal to me…

  12. I would like to look at the possible medical applications a lightweight piece like this could have. How small lightweight robotics in a medical setting can be useful.

  13. This is a great idea, I hope you continue to work through the kinks! The application I have in mind is also a wearable computing one, as befitting the flexible nature of the board. I’ve released two iterations of my Clove project, a wearable typing dataglove, but both relied on hacked keyboard controllers for connection to a computer, and handled all translation and gesture set interpretation host-side. I’ve been planning a third iteration with more robust conductive fabric construction and on-device interpretation for some time, but I wasn’t particularly happy about the idea of a large rigid microntroller PCB on the back of the glove. This would be the perfect solution to interpret the typing gestures on the glove itself and allow direct output wired or wirelessly.

  14. I’m currently working on designing my physical portfolio, and this just gave me a monumental idea.

    Due to its flexibility and overall slimness, I could easily laminate it directly into the hard cover of the book. I haven’t exactly thought of what I’d do beyond that, but I figured I’d comment anyways! Keep up the good work!

  15. I was looking for an Arduino like that – build it!!! build it!!! I want it!!!

    Great for wearables and for the Arduino backpipe we develop because it might be possible to bend it in a tube.

    Fragile does not matter, connectors do not matter, as long you can solder it.

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June 2010