Seeeduino Film, maybe the first Arduino(TM) compatible board on FPC

It’s an interesting and hard process to discover the different ways of boards.

We tried to design an Arduino(TM) compatible board fits to smallest apertures. The goal is extremely small, slim, flexible while maintaining its nature of developing board.


Cut-able, Scrollable and Chain-able

Full functional Atmega168/328 breakout

USB-Serial interface

Built-in charger circuit

Default a complete Arduino compatible board, could be cut to fit needs

20pin bus passed across all blocks

Pros found:

light, slim, small, flexible as planned

Cons found:


Too slim to fit in the connectors

Might still be too much overhead

Next steps

It is far from mature, we will prepare a few prototypes for community inspiration. Please let us know how you might use them and the key factors you would care, we will select the comments and ship them in one week frame. Thanks!

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95 thoughts on “Seeeduino Film, maybe the first Arduino(TM) compatible board on FPC

  1. Hey!!
    This is actually amazing, I am currently doing my Masters in Design and Technology at Parsons. I am very interested in wearable technology. My recent work was making a mood bracelet which I used Arduino Mini Pro but flexibility was very limited I would love to use Seeeduino Film for this purpose.

    Another project I was working on with my friend was chameleon Tie which we embed color sensor into a tie and many LEDs so it will change color according to color that was reflected to it. We used Arduino Mini Pro for this purpose as well and I can see how magical will be the outcome if I can use Seeeduino Film to make it lighter and more comfortable to use.

    Currently I am in my thesis year and will love to have this technology to do some trials on wearable technology..

    So, I will be sooo happy if you guys can give me this chance to use Seeeduino Film.

  2. Hi.

    First of all, really interesting and I feel many possibilities regarding “flexible Arduino board.” I have been working on prototypes for fabric based electric toys and everyday objects such as pillows, cushions and so on.

    Since these projects are in progress, so I can’t details of the ideas here. But I’ll be able to write a review article if I get a board (film?).

    Anyways, I’m really looking forward to try!

  3. I have been looking for something like this for use in my hoops, staffs, and other light toys! I have been using low end PICs for now but having something like this would rock the socks of anything around. I been looking at flex circuit boards and they are still out of the reach of most customers like myself. Also why not make an option that takes out the support for usb and put a place for an optional header or test points, to hook up like an FTDI break out. This would reduce the component count, save power for other things and not to mention the ideas for smaller lower powered ideas. Can’t wait to get my hands on one to play with!

  4. This is perfect for my robotic snake! The problems due to the small size of the snake which is occupied mostly of the batteries made it hard for me to attach my ATMEGA8, shocks! i never thought some one would realy make one. this would replace the bunch of wires connecting my servos to the controller and shift registers.

    Im also starting to build a robotic finger(it still looks like a naked robotic worm ehehe) that would be controllable via bluetooth..with this robotics would be more-FLEXIBLE!

    how about building a super slim tamagochi?

    a computerized bracelet? or a spy gear stuff? james bond thingy!

    I hope i will be sent one.

  5. I’m working for a small startup on the eastern seaboard of the US. We’ve built and flight tested a haptic feedback vest for pilots (primarily helicopter) to give them cues through the skin when they’re doing something unsafe to prevent crashes. We also have pokers in the fire for work in ground vehicle safety and to help people navigate in the wilderness. However, we have not solved one major issue… can we integrate the microcontrollers for our haptic interface in a small lightweight flexible package into a vest or belt? We’ve worked with arduino some already… this might be the perfect fit!

    We’ve also looked at lilypad’s but something flexible could really come in handy so the pilots aren’t bitching about a big box hanging off of their flight suits.

  6. I participate in a group called parachute mobile, We jump out of planes and instrument the parachute jumpers with Ham Radio APRS. So far, basic APRS and a Pulsox meter added as telemetry data in the APRS packets. These are High Altitude High Opening jumps, HAHO.

    I am working on a wrist worn device receives Ham Radio APRS packets and displays specific packets on a wrist worn oled display. At this point it would be a fairly large wrist device. But a flexible circuit would greatly help in the design. I have a small Venus based GPS, 1inch OLED display, small receiver, and small TNC.

    This would open up some interesting packaging possibilities.

  7. wow I want one!!!.. Will purchase right away if and only if price is ~25$ or less. Otherwise I wouldn’t buy it right away unless I need it for a specific application.

  8. Im working on wearables for musicians and perform to control lightning and audio. I’d love to strap one of these to the wrist/glove of a drummer/DJ and add an accelerometer and transmitter.

  9. I would like to use one of these for the next wearable performance piece in a series I call “Being Counted”

    The first in the series, which I have already completed, is a neclace which senses when the wearer has swallowed, counts it, and keeps a running led display of the number of times on a pendant. The piece is intended to be worn to perform the action of swallowing. It makes visible the invisible and surveilles the mundane. Our space is becoming increasingly inundated with technologies which watch, count, and measure with little supervision. These technologies have become so embedded in our material world as well as our consciousness that they have become almost invisible to us. In many cases, we desire these objects that infringe on our rights to privacy, other times they are foisted upon us. The piece also speaks to a type of personal surveillance practiced by many who self-consciously pore over every bite of food. By creating a wearable object which counts the seemingly mundane, I seek to create an awareness in the viewer- an awareness that we are all being counted.

    I chose new materials, sillicone and acrylic, and combined them with old lace patterns to reference restriction and bodily awareness. The necklace/choker is a strip of silicon sheet that I hand punched in a delicate lace pattern. The pendant, the housing for the electronics, is made of lazer-cut clear acrylic in a doilly pattern. The sensing is done with a 4” flex sensor. The signal is read by an arduino lilypad which counts the signals and drives a multiplex 4-digit, 7-segment led display. Ostensibly, the piece could count up to 9999 swallows. The led display has just 12 pins because it is a common cathode display. This presented several challenges in building and programing the work, but enabled me to drive the led directly with the lilypad. In order to make the common cathodes work, I placed a transistor between the pin and the lilypad. This allowed me to selectively activate single digits of the display. Another challenge was presented in the delays necessary to individually light each digit and also in reading the sensor. These were eventually worked out so that the display lights continually and the sensor is read only once a second (so as to avoid multiple readings for the same swallow).

    The piece is soft in order to interact with the body of the wearer. These material choices were a combination of practicality and aesthetic choices with regards to a victorian-tech idea.

    I would like to continue this series of banal counters for the body. The next one I plan is a bracelet which counts the number of times the wearer swings their arm.

  10. Fantastic! This is well suited to be worn around the upper arm or thigh. I’ve specifically been working on incorporating microcontrollers into garters as a method for implementing wearable computing systems for women in formal attire. The flexible Arduino would be perfect for this application – please let me know when they’re available as I’d love to work with them.

  11. This is a beautiful piece. Most ideas have been covered by the above comments; wearable objects, lightweight aerial electronics etc. I think it would be good for making trackable or data recording items for smaller sized animals. I.e. GPS data logger for a cat. I have a friend who would have the perfect application. He has a corgi that he is okay with running around on his property, but he has too much area to do the invisible fence. A GPS “fence” is the right fix for him.

    Personally, I think this would be perfect in small stuffed-animal type toys. My son has some toys like that and I hate the hard plastic box inside them.

  12. I would use this to wrap around the head of a golf driver. With an accelerometer, I could gather swing data to graph for swing analysis, including a 3D arc plot and speed measurement. This would be light enough to not affect the golf swing, and could hug the surface of the club so it would be inconspicuous and used continuously. Being mounted at the back of the club head would protect the circuit from damage during an erratic swing, and being mounted to the club head there wouldn’t be any fatigue from constant flexing, as in many other applications of this board.

  13. I would use it for a waerable design for safer biking. And depending on its size, for interactive puzzles.

    I was just wondering if any shield like addons or should i say connectons would be of use.

  14. Zero interest in Arduino, but I’d love to be able to get FPC PCBs made. Any chance of opening up this capability like you have with your regular PCB service? I bet there would be a lot of creative ways people could use that.

  15. Cool!

    What about a water resistant wristband which displays various sensor values?

    I would be cool if you just put your hand into the water and then know how cold/warm it is.

  16. This super small sized arduino would be great for my new project!
    I am trying to create a book which contains interactive electronical puzzles with hundreds of cool flashing leds 😉
    On the front cover I want to put some solar cells which would load a rechargeable battery which powers the electronic components.

    A sample would simply be great!

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June 2010