Seeeduino Film, maybe the first Arduino(TM) compatible board on FPC

It’s an interesting and hard process to discover the different ways of boards.

We tried to design an Arduino(TM) compatible board fits to smallest apertures. The goal is extremely small, slim, flexible while maintaining its nature of developing board.


Cut-able, Scrollable and Chain-able

Full functional Atmega168/328 breakout

USB-Serial interface

Built-in charger circuit

Default a complete Arduino compatible board, could be cut to fit needs

20pin bus passed across all blocks

Pros found:

light, slim, small, flexible as planned

Cons found:


Too slim to fit in the connectors

Might still be too much overhead

Next steps

It is far from mature, we will prepare a few prototypes for community inspiration. Please let us know how you might use them and the key factors you would care, we will select the comments and ship them in one week frame. Thanks!

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95 thoughts on “Seeeduino Film, maybe the first Arduino(TM) compatible board on FPC

  1. I’ve been working in haptics for some time, haptic belts specifically. I’ve been wanting to try to print something like this up for our controller module and we are indeed already using arduino hardware so it’ll be simple to implement and start testing!

  2. make an ausome micro game system. maybe with a screen like the moblu cube, could even be made into a set of glasses.

  3. Nice one, I love the idea.

    These look like they would be perfect to use as a micro-cache for geocaching. I have a feeling they would roll up nicely inside a film canister. That makes them waterproof, with loads of room to spare.

    I would love a few to experiment with, not sure if I’d use them as the final cache, or as way-points along the way.

  4. Need to reinforce the connector somehow. I can see that tearing away in no time. Could there be a plastic enclosure for just the USB connector? Something to grip and resist the forces of insertion and removal.

    I LOVE the idea, guys… great work!

  5. Firs thing that comes to my mind is to bring out the i/o pins a bit, then apply a clear silicone coating to the entire “board” to protect it from exposure or contact with conductive things. Would make a better wrist-watch this way, and also don’t have to be quite as delicate with it. Great potential there to water-tight your project board.

  6. The first thing that pops into my mind is a shape changing robot. We can design the robot in such a way that the most flexible part is at a joint.

    The other thing is a BCD mount dive computer. If we can still maintain the flexibility while making it waterproof, it may be fixed inside the BCD pocket with a pressure sensor and a digital thermometer to record the values in certain intervals. The only thing is how to be able to read these values real time, maybe a flexible screen to be mounted on the dive suit and moving all components to the arm of the suit?

  7. Will attempt to make a water tight enclosure in a wrist watch form factor and use it together with a pressure sensor for logging free dives. It might be the first open source dive computer.

  8. A lot of DIYers want to use FPC, however it is mighty hard to come by.
    Wouldn’t it be a good idea for seeed studio to provide us with the raw materials?

    I definitely would buy sheets of FPC when you would start selling them!
    (got a nice Xerox 8400N waiting to be fed FPC)

    BTW nice looking proto!, have you thought of stiffening the USB port and other connector? Otherwise they will break paths within a few uses.



  9. The first thing that comes to my mind is a wearable POV. You could have 8 LEDS sewn into the arm of your shirt and also sew the FILM into the shirt somewhere. Run a power wire to a battery that could be located in a pocket or something. Send me one and I will come up with something interesting.

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June 2010