BEEs Shield, not another Xbee shield but two.

Thank you guys for commenting in previous post please contact us for a free pioneering sample. 🙂

Here we have finished a prototype, upgraded on following features:

1. Dual Bee type socket.

2. 1 reset button and 3 indicator LED for each Bee (On/Slep, RSSI, ASSOC)

3. Full size with free drills.

4. Able to reset base board

5. Provide 500mA under 3.3V

6. Bee #1 uses software serial port (assign one from Digital 2-13)

7. Wireless programming

8. Full break out for each Bee

9. Switchable of communication with PC/Base board

10. Standalone usage

Check out the photos:

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13 thoughts on “BEEs Shield, not another Xbee shield but two.

  1. i got this bees sheild i want some documents/manuals/tutorials how it will works? ragarding jumpers..i connected wifibee to this bees shield on arduino ethernet board but am not able to display helloworld how?

  2. Hi,
    on the pics I see the shield connected to an arduino (mega?)
    My question is: I’d like to use a stalker board with a GPS and an XBee module with an analogue 3D accelerometer. the SD card would also be used.
    My question is: could you tell me is this could work? Is there sufficient memory, are there enough in/out pins on the stalker?
    Any answers are welcome 🙂

  3. I only want to say…THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! people of SEEED STUDIO. Thanks for sending to me an example of this board, I’ll do my best effort for make more projetcs with this board.

  4. Great I just recieved one, is there a manual/documentation page on the jumpers and switches?


    I would love a pionering sample
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  5. Thanks guys! We would need to first send the pioneering boards to people who commented in previous post.

  6. The design looks good. Congratulatios.

    I would like to try this new design.


  7. yes, you can get it, please send me your address and phone number via email;
    and just 1 sample available at this moment : )

  8. Hi …great design and wonderfull tought about putting 2 xbees on i shield !!!!

    Would love to get a pioneering sample to play around with one of these

    Thank you …

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June 2010