[Survey] What’s holding you back from hacking a DSO nano?

I didn’t realize how difficult it was to hack the DSO nano with a new UI or just adding my signature.  Lacking of documentation, this quest is nearly like reverse engineering. We will put much more efforts on the technical support on DSO nano and improve the UI on an open source way.

If we could have a priority paving the roads, please help vote for the most critical reason holding you back from hacking a DSO nano:

Please suggest if anything we can do to make this a lot easier. : )

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10 thoughts on “[Survey] What’s holding you back from hacking a DSO nano?

  1. The Dfuse tool does not work on an AMD 64 PC or on a Mac so I have no tools to upload. Kinda kills all hope. :-{

  2. @Andrew J: Thanks for lifting the issues, that’s the very situation we are trying to fix now :). I’m sorry to hear your frustration but we didn’t intend to misguide or bluffing at all.

    For the source code, we are working with the original designer to publish the latest code and involve more into the community support. It also will be a joint effort from Seeed, we will treat it as first priority project.

    Latest firmware has divided to two parts, both within 32KB. That caters to the evaluation version of IAR 4.2, which we consider free to use.

    You could get latest code and guides from google code here:
    It’s newly built, and we will keep updating it.

  3. Some ideas:

    General (product page)
    -Improve the manual (related to the FW version that Seeedstudio ships)
    -List all the available Firmwares & its characteristics
    -Related programs (DfuSE) access through links.

    -Free tools package (Eclipse+GDB+OpenOCD) & a JTAG adapter. Buspirate could serve, but OpenOCD must be compiled. The use of IAR tools in a open source project is out of the question
    -Tutorial (or at least links to them)
    -Code: an online repository (sourceforge, google…).

    Hardware. Well this is a tricky part. One could develop a lot through simulation, but until you test something on field, you have nothing. Nevertheless:
    -Schematic in eagle (not in protel). Starting from here, each user could develop/suggest an improvement which can be evaluated/commented in the forum.
    -Who is responsible for the final integration -> you.

    Just my two cents

  4. From your FAQ:

    “Why can’t i compile the project code
    The source code was built by IAR 4.2, IAR 5.x is not supported.”

    Does this open source project require a commercial compiler?
    From what I can find the IAR compiler is only available for purchase and I can only find out the price if I email the company.

    Is this correct?

  5. I found a FAQ in your forum,

    “Is DSO Open source ?
    The F/W of V1.X will be open source and all people can use or modify them freely , but there is some third party code included in V2.X F/W and we don’t have the authorization to publish them.”

    So the way I read this is that the DSO Nano is no longer open source. Is that correct?

    1. 你好

      DSO software is mainly two parts: app & lib. Most of the open source project is based on app, you can make various application upon it.

      The lib is also open by the designer, but it updates when there available update from the designer. You can also contribute to the lib too.

  6. I have just gone back to have another look for this “source code” that you talk about.

    Your Wiki doesn’t even mention anything about the DSO Nano.

    Your Forum doesn’t seem to have any topic on the DSO Nano. It rejects searches for “DSO” and “Nano” as being too short as search terms.

    Your online shop makes it difficult to even find the DSO Nano for sale. What category is it under? If I didn’t know to search for it I wouldn’t even know that you had it for sale.

    Oh, ok, I finally found it on your very front page (I usually come to your site via my RSS feeds) and I have now visited the product page BUT WHERE IS THE SOURCE CODE?

    I love my DSO Nano as it is, but I would like to hack it as was promised when I purchased it. How about making the source code available for me to download?

    Several friends are interested in buying one also but their current position is that they are holding back until the seeedstudio situation changes.

  7. When I first purchased the DSO nano I was looking forward to modifying the software and hacking around with it.

    When it arrived and I went looking for the source code, I got the understanding that because you had used a closed library from someone, the source code would not be available any longer.

    Has this changed?

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May 2010