Fusion PCB service simplified

For easier and faster process, we simplify the procedures of fusion PCB service. Also, the average cost is reduced.

A major change is that open source works are not supported in a refund-resell way, which cause a lot procedures which stress our capacity. Now you just place order and send us the gerber files (compatible with guidelines) w/ order number, we will process for your work and ship in 4-6 days.

For 5*5cm 2 layer PCBs, the cost is adjusted from 30$ close innovation and 17$ open source work to unified 20$ service, now only 5 out of the 10 PCBs are went through e-test by default. Similarly the price for 10*10cm 2 layer PCBs are 40$ for either open source works and close innovations.

It’s not an easy decision, but we would suspend the open source PCB pool for now. It’s taken a lot of resource in inventory and management, but having less customers benefiting from these ready made PCBs. On the other hand, kits would be easier for most people, we will allocate more resources to Fusion Kits service in the near future, please keep posted.

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4 thoughts on “Fusion PCB service simplified

  1. I asked this question a week ago in the questions/comments form and never received a response. I was just going to follow up when I saw your similar note.

  2. Sure, we will keep them for sure. So does our support to open source PCB, we are just changing to better support them.


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February 2010