Before Chinese New Year

… we are having the busiest days for the past two months,  good news is that the upcoming Chinese New Year will give us a deep relax.

For 2009, I don’t want to mention the great support from our dear customers and partners,

or the keep increasing stock like Seeeduino family/ Electronic Bricks/ Various modules/Bee series…,

or the exciting Rainbowduino Carnival,

or the pushing to limit 13$ PCB service,

or the cooperative projects with Hackaday, Where labs and etc,

or the hot DSO nano and helpful community,

or our internal management difficulties and how we managed to handle but facing more…

Let’s just embrace 2010, year of  Tiger!


VacationSeeed Studio will take holiday from Feb 7th to 21st,  no parcel will be shipped during this period, email response would be slow down. We have prepared extra stock for the period, you may still be able to place orders, and with 8% discount.

Meanwhile, you could also visit our distributors for a more timely purchase.

Post-Vacation: When we back from fireworks, banquets, mahjong… There will be a lot of fun during 2o10:

– Office modding: Our 300 sqm new office is under decoration, which will be ready by Feb, we started from cement and left enough rooms for hacking. You will see a series blogging of <<Modding Seeed Office >>, including mon0me wall, voice controlled Rainbow Cube array, Bike odo challenger, Smartmeters network, knoc-to-open door, laser securities… let us know if you have any wild suggestions!

Better service: No doubt we are not satisfied about our random mistakes throughout last year, things are overwhelming. We are now optimizing our internal process and supply chains, there might be adjustment in the UI from us, hope it will make the work more peaceful.

New kits: You might have noticed our fusion (propaganda ) services, it will be enhanced for easier usage. More partners are invited for sharing the projects.

Longer catalog: Now we will have enough room for stocking more products! Also, let us know your need and we will make them available!

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3 thoughts on “Before Chinese New Year

  1. Most products just say “Save: 8% off” right there with the price.
    Those will go away after the tiger gets settled in.

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January 2010