How do you play with DSO nano?

As hobbyists ourself, we are eager to know what are you going to do with this little fellow, also we would like to hear your feeling and suggestion to our products. So why not share it with us?

Write a post in your blog, let people know your experiences with DSO nano, and how do you like this product? No matter it’s positive or negative, please let us know. As a encouragement, Seeed Studio will send 10USD Gift Certificate to author’s depot account.

Please send post link to this e-mails address: [email protected]

Your valuable feedback will help us improve our products.

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18 thoughts on “How do you play with DSO nano?

  1. Hi guys,
    Are you still doing this promo? I sent an email to ‘dso at seeedstudio dot com’ a few days ago, but haven’t gotten a reply. Wondering if it got caught in a spam filter…

  2. Moffat,
    I have a DSO Nano in shipment as we speak (should have it in the next few days). But, I just realized that I need a scope with a higher bandwidth for a project on the books.
    If you want to buy my Nano (or anyone else for that matter), I’d like to sell it at cost. I’m located in Canada, so shipping should be pretty quick to North America.
    Contact me at “darkith (at) gmail (dot) com” if you’re interested.


  3. Was waiting for you guys to come back after Chinese New Year but now it’s out of stock. Any idea when it will be available again ?

  4. Can anybody tell me if this could be used to capture a 10-60 hz, 10-200 mv waveform in sync with an external strobe trigger?

  5. I used my DSO nano on a math project. The project was to model the electrical propagation through the heart with an emphasis on idiopathic dilatation of the main pulmonary artery. I used bio-electrodes on the skin to measure the potential difference across the body.

    The main advantage of the DSO nano is its portability. Very nice product

  6. I just got my DSO Nano scope today, and after showing it to everyone in the office who instantly groaned “oh no, what is this junk?!” and then replaced the sentiment with “whoa cool!! i want one”, I have to say this: I’ll have to get a few more of these! 🙂

    I’ll be using it mostly to provide visual feedback in my analog modular synthesizer-building workshops, as its a very handy unit for testing modules and getting a real feel for whats going on with the interconnection between various complex modules. I’m also pretty sure its going to get some use with the Arduino PocketPiano synth project here and there, as well .. just generally anything in my workshop that will be producing audio is going to have some DSO Nano love ..

  7. Hi Fan,
    Years ago I used a scope that was a throwaway from the radio station I was working at, and when I returned to electronics 25 years later, I had not realized how much I had missed having the ability to see the waveforms during prototyping. For what it cost, it does everything that I need and expect (and more, once I get a memory card).

    One other thing the DSO nano does that I find unexpectedly useful is the frequency counter, which works well from the kHz range well down to about 40 hz.

    I look forward to more great things from you and your team at Seeed Studio.

  8. Howard Bleiwas:

    Outstanding product. Sleek, well put together and indispensible. I’m getting way too old to move around a 50 pound scope for projects. Already used with a couple of Arduino sketches and some breadboards. I’m using it to teach my son about the waveforms he produces when he plays on his midi keyboard (and to get him further into electronics). Plan to use with TDR (Time Domain Reflectometer) unit to certify and document cable plant installs. Didn’t even know about the MiniSD slot until I got the unit (it’s great when you get more than you expect!). One of the best gifts I’ve ever gotten for myself.
    Agree or Diagree 1  0

    You guys can post your experiences in blog and send me links, i will send you some rebate.

  9. very nice product, storage on SD card is quite useful to compare traces and values on a computer. sleek and slim design makes it the perfect companion for mobile engineers.

  10. Outstanding product. Sleek, well put together and indispensible. I’m getting way too old to move around a 50 pound scope for projects. Already used with a couple of Arduino sketches and some breadboards. I’m using it to teach my son about the waveforms he produces when he plays on his midi keyboard (and to get him further into electronics). Plan to use with TDR (Time Domain Reflectometer) unit to certify and document cable plant installs. Didn’t even know about the MiniSD slot until I got the unit (it’s great when you get more than you expect!). One of the best gifts I’ve ever gotten for myself.

  11. How I use my DSO Nano.

    I showed it to my 7 year old nephew and he used it to measure the brain power of my friends by getting them to touch the probe and then viewing the 50Hz sine wave that appeared. The people who caused a larger amplitude sine wave apparently had more “brain power”.

    Seriously, I love my DSO Nano and will be taking it everywhere I go. Looking forward to the release of the v2.0 source code.

  12. I just bought a DSO Nano, and it’s a must have for hobbyists and engineers, small size and pocket price, if you can get a bus pirate v3 too!

  13. I have only just started playing with it. I’m surprised by its compact size and the attractiveness of the bright and colorful screen.

    As a scope it is bit too fiddly to use but it has me thinking of other uses. I find myself wanting to plug it into anything that can be measured over time. I think what I really want to use it for is as a a logger with integrated display. Gotta get the minisd card working first.

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January 2010