DSO nano FAQ

How to save waveform and configuration into SD card :

1 . Make sure your SDcard supports SPI mode.
2 . Format your SDcard with FAT16
3 . Create a new file named FILEXXX.DAT in your SDcard root (file size must bigger than 1KB). Or directly download here and copy it into SD card root.

SDFILE.rar [4.84 KiB]

4 . Create another file named as CONFIG.DAT in your SDcard root(file size must bigger than 1KB). Or directly download here and copy it into SD card root.

CONFIG.rar [403 Bytes]

5 . To save the waveform : move the cursor to FS option, choose the file you want to save , then press “M” .

Why my DSO Nano can not be recognized by PC

1 . Make sure you have installed the STM32 Driver.
2 . If your DSO can be seen by PC but shows as a unknown device , please remove the D2 ESP diode, then try again.
3 . If there’s nothing happened when USB pluged in, please check the R24 of DSO , it might be a 1.8K(182) resistor, you can try use a smaller one to replace it.

When I use the PC to visit SDcard via DSO Nano, it shows wrong information or error

DSO Nano ‘s firmware dose not support card reader function well, it is recommended to use a independent card reader. 

Is the X10 and the X1 use the same Probes
No , if you want to use the X10 , you have to use the X10 probes .

Is DSO Open source ?

The F/W of V1.X will be open source and all people can use or modify them freely , but there is some third party code included in V2.X F/W and we don’t have the authorization to publish them.

The H/W is open source for all version.

Why can’t i compile the project code

The source code was built by IAR 4.2, IAR 5.x is not supported.

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7 thoughts on “DSO nano FAQ

  1. How does one download the FILEXXX.DAT.
    I clicked on SDFILE.rar above and got the message, “The requested topic does not exist”.

    The same occurred for CONFIG.rar

    I really like my DSO NANO, but I have been trying for thee days to get the SD card to work.


  2. Will the Nano play well will Mac OS X or Linux? If not, will there be Mac OS X or Linux support in the future?

  3. Hi,

    Thank you very much for publishing the FAQ page. I tried to download the rar files, but I got errors as follows:

    Not Found (404)
    The requested URL /blog/download/file.php?id=136 was not found on this server.

    I’m sorry for this is a false alarm, but I’d like to report just to make sure.


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December 2009