Burn the Bootloader for Rainbowduino with UartSB

The Rainbowduino have not the USB connector and cannot use the Arduino IDE to program it directly. You can program it use the UartSB or the seeeduino, also you can program it use the ISP interface. If use the latter way, the boot loader of the Rainbowduino may be recover, and then you want to program it with the former way next time you must to burn the boot loader again.


You can burn the boot loader for Rainbowduino also use the UartSB .The UartSB have a ISP interface, just to seal the pins on it. And hook it up to the contact pin on the Rainbowduino.

After that you can use the AVRDUDE to burn the boot loader for Rainbow with UartSB. Put the AVRDUDE.exe file in some folder, as an example I put it in the way: “ E:\UartSB_2.1_ISP.Run “the CMD command to open the DOS command windows.

Input the command to enter the folder which you put the AVRDUDE.exe.As I put it in the E:\UartSB_2.1_ISP.Then I input the command:


cd UartSB_2.1_ISP

Now run the AVRDUDE.exe with some setting. Input the command:

avrdude -c diecimila -P ft0 -p m168 -t -B 4800

“-P ft0” is Bitbang-Port settings. “-p m168” is chip settings. “-B 4800” is slow clock mode settings.

Erase the chip:


Write the fuse:

w efuse 0 0x00

w hfuse 0 0xDD

w lfuse 0 0xFF

When have written the fuse , quit the AVRDUDE.



And now burn the boot loader in to FLASH, and to easily we had better put the boot loader HEX file in the same folder as AVRDUDE:

avrdude -c diecimila -P ft0 -p m168 -U flash:w:atmega168.hex

Waiting the program .it will cost few seconds to do this process. When it done it will do the verify and show the result.

Now the boot loader has been burned into the Raibowduino’s Flash and we have to check the fuse and lock it.

Setting to a faster clock:

avrdude -c diecimila -P ft0 -p m168 –t

write a lock bit:

read the fuse and check if right:

d efuse

d hfuse

d lfuse

Lock read and quit

d lock


And if u consider using the command to burn it is to Complexity, you can use software called argued-GUI to burn it. More information about it is here:


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1 thought on “Burn the Bootloader for Rainbowduino with UartSB

  1. Hi:

    I accidentally burn Arduino Duemilanove Bootloader to Rainbowduino 328(With USBTiny), so now cant upload scketches, please could guide me to re burn Rainbowduino bootloader(where to download?) again?

    Thanks in advance!

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July 2009