Seeeduino v2.12

What’s new for v2.12?

● Zero external power consumption when switched off.
● Stronger Switches.
● Second power supply for 5V direct input. [Caution] USE 5V ONLY!
● 150mA driver capacity under 3.3V.
● 1.0mm slim PCB for lighter weight.
● Extra row reserved for pin headers.


Seeeduino is Arduino compatible board. Its design is based on Diecimila scheme, 100% compatible to its existing program, shield and IDEs. On the hardware part, remarkable changes are taken to improve the flexibility and user experience.


Microcontroller      ATmega168
Operating Voltage      5V/3.3V
Input Voltage (recommended)      7-12 V
Input Voltage (limits)      6-20 V
Digital I/O Pins      14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
Analog Input Pins      8
DC Current per I/O Pin      40 mA
DC Current for 3.3V Pin      50 mA
Flash Memory      16 KB (of which 2 KB used by bootloader)
SRAM      1 KB
EEPROM      512 bytes
Clock Speed      16 MHz

1. Duplicate digital IO to 100mil grid for prototype board compatibility
Adding an second row of header align to standard 100mil grid, so it will be compatible both to existing shield and to a cheap 100mil grid prototype board. By default, the traditional IO is soldered instead or new headers, and you may add the new header yourself.

2. Shrink componets height below female headers.
Seeeduino is made as flat as possible, even the crystals are SMD version. So we may put your soldered prototype board onto it with less worry.

3. Easier access to buttons and switches.
All buttons or switches are moved nearer to the edges, so we may reach them easier under the shield or from the wire forests.

4. Change Type-B USB port to Mini USB.
Consideration for dimensions.

5. Replace 3.5mm DC power Jack to battery 2 Pin plug.
Soldering the 3.5mm DC power jack is usually the most difficult part, and we think it’s too giant. Maybe a battery pack is more convenient than power adapters? Don’t worry about abandoning your 12V adapter, we have a simple convertor.

6. Reset and power indicator near RST button.
We use one LED for power indicator and the other for reset (it will also lid when downloading programs).

7. Auto-reset selection.
Auto-reset is a great feature loved by many. But sometimes we would also like to disable it in production-like mode.

8. 3.3V Operating Voltage selection.
The Vcc could be selected by a switch, for making life easier dealing 3.3v devices.

9. Pin out UART for FTDI232 bit-bang operation.
At least you can burn bootloader without an ISP cable now (Plz refer to Kimio’s detail tutor:

10. Pin out 2 extra ADC.
Why not? There are spaces Smiley

11. Pin out for I2C and sensors.
Easier connection to I2C and sensors by a bended femail header.

12. Second power supply for 5V direct input.
Sometimes we would need to apply 5 VDC to Seeeduino either for higher power effeciency or just because having 5VDC in hand. Now you may use these 5V supply to directly power Seeeduino. [Caution] USE 5V ONLY!

13. ReRoute PCB
SMD version Atmega168 give us more space to route, so we carefully rearranged them for us to see the flow more clearly.
Please visit the supporing thread >>here for suggestions on next revision.

14.Easy Uart connection

15.Extra row reserved for DIY pin headers.
You may now use female, male, or DUAL male headers on these pins as well.

16.Extra 3.3V regulator for higher current supply
It’s dedicated 150mA now, rather than 50mA supplied by FT232.

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June 2009