To be released…

It’s long time since last post, things are getting pretty busy these days. Aside from the increasing shipping work, we are working on several new products, which will be released over time:

First is the the 64 LED button, absolutely BLACK PCB, biggest pcs we have ever produced:

A guide for using it on Arduinome will be posted later – This is what takes so long for us to publish. The previous 16 led button pad is good for cable reduction, but brings trouble for people who wants to use it directly with monome logic board. People who bought prevoius 16 pad will receive a great discount for  one of this. Thanks god we didn’t try a method to reduce the wires even harsh, which Albert’s elder brother tried it back in university — 5 I/O pin for 20 LEDs. Guess how? 😉

Second is a new version of Seeeduino,  the origin purpose is to control RGB dot matrix, together with 3 74HC595 on board.  It will be an Arduino compatible board with a lot more I/O pins and valuable enough for massive use.

To couple with many board without USB chips, like lily Pad, we also made a FT232 board which has on board ICSP port, super slim package and extensive capability.

For open source PCB, we already have many orders shipped. But the following work is yet to be taken care, the open source part. There will be a special column holding people’s work and link to their project page, ranging from ARM9 Development boards to USB controller, we are very proud to help host these inspired innovations!

People talked about an oscilloscope for DIYers, that’s how we know about JYE tech. Mr. Liu is an admirable experienced engineer, being the first generation of university EE student after culture revolution. His seriousness on documents and every detail amazed me. You will find complete document on their website, including demos and assemle guide. We are honored to carry their products, neat and handy for Arduino level electrical development.

Finally, we finally mangaged to carry some RFID modules! RFID has been my personal interest for long, as used in my graduation project on embedded Linux. There would be less people who could afford 915Mhz long range reader, but why not start from 125kHz kits? We also carry 13Mhz all-in-one module. Many others will be added.

About Author


October 2008