Learn to design and get your own PCB for free

Fusion UGC-02

Seeed Fusion Service are going to launch an activity. People who participant in this activity have the change to get his own designed PCB board free.  Below is the detailed information about this activity.

Come and invite your friends to make one. 🙂


Activity Schedule

Activity time:1 Sep-15 Oct 2015

Release the winners name:16 Oct-20 Oct 2015

Fabricate PCB boards:21 Oct-30 Oct 2015

Send prize to winners:1 Nov-15 Nov 2015


Activity Rules

  1. Design an attractive simple Gerber file with your name on it

Materials and instructions:http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-design-a-simple-PCB-gerber-file/

  1. After you finished your design, send your Gerber to us at fusion@seeed.cc, we will check your Gerber and shared it to Fusion Gallery (come to check others’ job at Fusion Gallery right now), and send back the Gerber web link to you. Then ask your friend to like your gerber!

File name: design’s name_maker’s name; eg. play card_noura li

Note: The work shared to Fusion Gallery can be downloaded and ordered by other users.

  1. The number of pieces by you is not limited. You can design several different pieces and send to us.
  2. In order to win this activity, ask friends and family to vote for your piece. You can like other participants’ pieces too.
  3. We will count the number of likes of every participant’s piece in the middle of October, and choose the top 4 as the winners. Then we will fabricate them to PCB boards.


The Winners will get:

  1. 5pcs PCB boards you designed by yourself
  2. 1pcs PCB board of the three other winning works
  3. A $50 coupon, which can be used at Seeed to deduct any product price in the future.


Come and invite your friends to make one :-). https://www.seeedstudio.com/fusion.html 


Fusion Team


About Author


August 2015