Guess&Giveaway #SeeedHit 10th
It’s been a long time since last issue – 9th.
The project is cancelled in the following days, yes, a lot of project will die soon after they are born. The original design comes with the following specs:
- number of pixels: 160 * 128
- panel size: 32.7 * 32.2 * 1.1(mm)
- weight: 2.02(g)
JIN gives us the spec mostly alike, we will send you a $10 coupon, sorry for the waiting.
Here comes our “big brother”, we call it “BBG”, do you know what does it mean?
See you next week!
The board layout and design show that this should be a BeagleBoard series.
The TI processor should be AM335x Sitara series (AM3358 most probably) with 1GHz. USB host and 10/100mb ethernet with 512 LDDR3 Ram and 4G flash, and very clean PCB design.
What is missing is a micro usb power input, which i think is wielded below or straight power using Grove connection.
The extra Grove pin mean this should be a Grove accessories.
I guess BeagleBone Grove (BBG) add on.
Ah, look like Gurinder have guess it already.
I think this is a Grove prototype design for the old BeagleBone.
So, this is just to serve as an extra guessing:
The layout and GPIO seem to be a BeagleBone series/Cape.
The green PCB indicate this should be a prototype/3rd party compatible board.
The Processor should be a TI chip due to logo, and should be AM335x series (same as BeagleBone, AM3359ZCZ)
The two bigger chip should be eMMC (2/4GB, 8bit) and 512MB DDR3L 800MHz (maybe a 256MB 400MHz DDR2L but i doubt it)
The Chip beside ethernet port should be the Ethernet PHY chip.
The bottom chip should be a Power Management IC (I guessing TPS65217B)
The long chip should be a Crystal for 32.768KHz.
Reset button on the top left and boot button on the top right
(hidden behind the Ethernet port should be the power button and 4 LED)
There are also 6 pin (the metal pin at lower middle) of JTAG UART0 access 6 pin TTL header for debugging.
Power source:
The Micro USB OTG port should be wield directly below the LED and the metal cover can be slightly seen cover by the ethernet port.
The 4 pin battery input is also shown beside the PMIC.
What is Difference:
Lack of analog video out. No NXP video framer and HDMI port. Which mean this board require a cape for proper Video/Audio out. Same as old BeagleBone.
There are also 2 4 pin Grove pin connector with I2C bus.
And last but not least, the bottom right there write it clearly:
BeagleBone_Grove V1…
Viola, This looks like our friendly Beagle Bone Black’s Big Brother.
I would guess BBG means Beagle Bone Grove.
Likely specs are : 4GB On Board eMMC, 10/100 Ethernet, 512 MB RAM with One USB HOST port, 1GHz AM335* Processor(from TI you can see the TI logo on the IC) and the PMIC and a 4 pin battery port for battery powered applications. Further I can see a UART and an I2C Grove breakout, which is awesome !!!
There is also a Boot selector switch, a Reset switch, mSD card and the Mini USB on the back (you can see the board slightly lifted on the top edge)
In short BBG = BBB + Grove Cape ;
OMG This is Exciting
Ohh, I forgot to mention, It seams the NXP Video framer IC is either missing or on the back (Which I don’t think is the case), I guess this baby does not have an Micro HDMI port as the original BBB. and I can’t see any other Display option, so I guess the Display has to be via an BB Cape !! or using an LCD cape (24-Bit LCD modules)
Well thats all Folks !!