HAXLR8R: hardware-based startups accelerator program


HAXLR8R is a 111 days startup accelerator program which is focused on providing hardware-based startups from ALL OVER THE WORLD with the appropriate support to deliver their concept into a competitive reality! Let’s check out the rules:


How it works

HAXLR8R runs from March through June 2012, with the last week spent in the Bay area, United States to present your company to US-based investors. However, first stop will be Shenzhen, China, where you will finalize your prototype or work on scaling your business if you have a working model.


Each week, you will meet with advisors that will offer feedback on your team’s concepts and prototypes, as well as provide valuable insight about how to scale a company in terms of manufacturing, supply chain management and distribution. After the program, go own your market, wherever that is!


What you get

The main thing you will get is mentorship: lots and lots of advice, expertise and fire in your pants. We have over 40 kick-ass entrepreneurs, industry experts and hands-on folks who are more than willing to share their invaluable knowledge and experiences with you.


We will also provide you with some seed capital ($6,000 per founders, maximum three founders) and some freebies, while making sure you find a temporary home wherever you go. Of course you and the other teams will get to access our fully-equipped workspace. Ultimately and if you survived the China experience, you will have the opportunity to demo your prototype to a group of investors.


Workspace looks like:

P1000845P1000843        P1000847P1000587


Equipments include:

P1000576   Laser Cutter

P1000574   Pick and Place Machine

P1000577   SMT Oven


Also you will get 3D printer, basic machine toolbench, oscilloscope, multimeter, spectrum analyzer, AC power and of course entertainments.眨眼

P1000582   Ping-Pong tableP1000583   Table SoccerP1000586   Massage Chair and Video games


Service (in-house) include:

Prototyping modules (Arduino, Groves and many etc)
PCB prototyping
Small Batch assembly and testing


How to get in

Apply! We will be accepting applications from November 25th to January 31st, 2011. The program is especially valuable if you are not based in China, but folks from China are of course welcome. Things will go quick and we will read applications as soon as they are submitted.


For more details, please check the HAXLR8R website.

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December 2011