Could Seeeduino Stalkers survive the day after tommorow?

We wanted to make Seeeduino Stalker a field data logger surviving from -40C to +85C, waterproof and off grid. When the Stalker v2 got a LiPo battery, solar charger, and a water proof enclosure, it’s taking shape.

See this instructable of arming Seeeduino Stalker

The initial experiment is done in fridge and oven, proven OK but not pushed to the limits. Kevin, our product engineering took one armored stalker back to home town in freezing northeastern China for Chinese new year. It stayed in the wild for 10 days, record down temperature and its voltage every 5 seconds.

To survive in the weather like “2012” or “the day after tomorrow”, this is not enough. We want to find the limitation of Seeeduino Stalker.

Would you please help us experiment?

In this experiment, participant needs to use stalker in harsh environment (height, extreme cold, deep water, voodoo, death ray…), and

1) log corresponding element (like baron meter for height) till Stalker stops operation or work abnormally.

2) publish the major process in instructables or any other place

3) Send us the link via ep()seeedstudio.

(Please be aware of possible danger in the experiment, like over-heating the battery might cause explosion)

Every participant successfully sacred their stalker in this glory way will get two free new Stalker after shipping back the defect one.

Also, we would select 3 outstanding experiment being most informative, noteworthy, and interesting.

The winner could take 30% discount off on every Seeeduino Stalker purchased till 12/21/2012.

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7 thoughts on “Could Seeeduino Stalkers survive the day after tommorow?

  1. A few years ago I worked for a company that produced line equipment for telephone systems that had to work in the outdoors, often in extreme environment, such as under 5 metres of water. When we sold these units to China, some of them went to Heilongjiang province, in the far north east. Winter is bitterly cold, and we found that sometimes our units would be exposed to temperatures of -40°C. At that temperature, the electrolyte in capacitors freezes, and the units stopped working.

    How did we solve the problem? The units had wire-wound resistors in them, which are switched into the circuit under software control. These resistors are used as ballasts to stop oscillation when the line-powered unit first starts up. We realised that if we turned these ballasts on and never turned them off, they would provide enough heat to stop the capacitors from freezing.

    Due to a lucky design decision, and some lateral thinking, we kept our customers happy and connected, and no product changes were needed.

  2. Erwin Ried:

    Very funny and nice idea! I wish to see some results!

    But from some 3rd world countries like mine is very expensive to ship packages!

    UN:F [1.9.6_1107]
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    Let’s cover the cost of registered air mail too. Thanks!

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February 2011